Sunday, May 17, 2015


"Being a civil society activist myself, if I was in Skopje today, I would launch the idea of an integrationist movement, a movement that tomorrow would join the protests not in the name of Zaev but in the name of the real spirit of solidarity between Macedonian citizens, with ethnic Albanians as an integral part. This movement could one day formalize itself as a party. Is Macedonia ready for such movement? I am not sure. My Albanian and Macedonian friends in Macedonia probably know better than me. However, in light of revelations that show how the government uses nationalism and ethnic conflict to stay in power, and knowing that current Albanian leaders have also used false appeals to nationalism in order to have a piece of the governance pie, such a movement would seriously threaten the current corrupt political class. As Gruevski’s days are counting down and our eyes turn toward Macedonia, I hope that the beautiful image of the Macedonian and Albanian flags together will meet a real awakening that would be an example to be followed, not just in Macedonia but across the Balkans."

You may read my full article published at

Monday, May 4, 2015

Ku i keni programet zoterinj kandidate?

Zonja dhe zoterinj, miq dhe armiq, ndjekes dhe te njohur, partiak dhe jo partiak, ziliqar dhe servile, sapo krijova kete faqe te cilen ju ftoj ta beni "like". Jo per mua, por per interesin tone te perbashket. Dihet qe shume jane dele, dihet qe shume dele therrasin tjetrin si dele, megjithate kur vjen fundi si ty si mua si ate tjetrin na prek menyra se si na qeverisin. Ndaj, me duket shume normale qe ne keto momente te fillojme tu kerkojme pak llogari politikaneve tane qe po bejne takime me pjesmarres shume here te simuluar e qe po i shmangen qytetarit reagues. Ketu theksoj injorimin qe po i behet protestuesve tek diga e liqenit. Edhe pse un e mbeshtes hapur kandidaturen e ‪#‎GjergjBojaxhi‬ dhe nismen ‪#‎NeTirana‬, kjo perpjekje eshte gjithperfshirese. Ndaj pytja ime dhe e shume qytetareve sot eshte pergjigja ndaj pyetjes Si dhe Kur?